Photo by Derick Daily on Unsplash
The quality of the air we breathe…
…is something we seem to only get fussed about when it is unbreathable. Thing is, how we treat our air contributes to the decline of both our own health and the health of our environment. Air quality is linked to all sorts of environmental impacts from the decline in bees to the stresses on trees. Few connect the dots between air quality and pest control, soil health, and all the various ways we could be protecting the quality of that which we inhale, but the connections are all too real.
Are you KIDDING ME?! pathogens and infectious diseases that impact people can be kicked up from soil (and what else?) in a fire and distributed by the smoke? More studies are also linked in the comments section by his readers, too. yikes.
When they said “mind bending amounts of bacteria and fungi” in an article on air quality, I couldn’t help myself…. what I want to know next is about pesticides and other -icides in fire smoke… stay tuned.