We are delighted to announce that we’ll be doing an approx 2 hour workshop for Half Moon Education, Inc on site design for fire risk mitigation. The time and webpage are all still in development, but hold this date! (via Zoom). Half Moon Education is a non-profit organization providing continuing education nation-wide to licensed professionals. CEU’s: Professional Engineers: 2.0 PDHs, Architects: 2.0 HSW CE Hours, AIA: 2.0 LU|HSW, Landscape Architects 2.0 HSW CE Hours, LA CES 2.0 HSW PDHs, International Code Council: .2 CEUs (Fire)
Cost is $100. - time is 11-1 cst
Register: https://halfmoonseminars.org/product/webinars/mitigating-fire-risks-through-landscape-design-materiality-and-stewardship/